Cross-Departmental Collaboration for Legal Departments

Cross-Departmental Collaboration for Legal Departments

First Reviewed : September 15, 2022
Last Reviewed: September 15, 2022

Legal departments at organizations large and small are the heavy hitters. Ensuring that their organization runs snag-free and is compliant with all rules and regulations, there isn’t another department quite like legal. Cross-departmental collaboration is the way forward for legal departments and their companies. 

Breaking Down Silos 

Generally, individual departments work in silos. The understanding is that department work will never meet nor relate, but this isn’t always the case. Fostering relationships across departments organization-wide helps legal departments level up by uncovering deeper insights into business-making decisions, financials, and contracts, to name a few. 

An article by Inc. notes that organizations that have helped respect and nurture every department’s goals are essential to the continued growth of businesses. Ironically, it took remote work for companies to come together, and for once-individual departments to “meet” their colleagues from other departments!

Talking Legal, Right From Recruitment 

Legal departments are often tasked with ironing out issues within their organizations. These may be settling disputes or addressing employees’ legal concerns or safety. Organizations should integrate their legal departments’ services alongside their HR departments’ from the get-go when creating their recruitment processes and documents. Forecasting future legal snags and helping mitigate them in tandem with HR can improve the quality of recruitment and the talent companies go on to hire. 

It’s a Collaborative Effort

Collaboration between legal departments and the rest of their company goes beyond a meeting of the minds. Teamwork, where legal departments are allowed to be stakeholders in business decisions helps solidify their purpose and value to the organization, in addition to providing the company with several benefits. In a Forbes article, Tariq Akbar – CEO of LegalEase Solutions – talks about how organizations leverage their legal departments’ services to counter cybersecurity threats. 

In an article on legal department collaboration, Legal Suite notes that companies can assist their legal departments by automating mundane tasks. This will enable in-house lawyers to become actively involved in organization-wide decisions and activities.

Legal departments that have access to operational and financial data can help their organizations level up. Breaking down legalese is the legal department’s forte, but they have a better chance of increasing that value when they’re supported by their organization, whether that’s through legal tech, or having a seat at the table, and at board meetings. 

We have over 16 years of expertise in helping legal departments modernize and streamline legal processes. Learn more our legal solutions and how LegalEase Solutions can help your legal department. 

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