A Legal Cloud Service Provider Saves 65% Time — LegalEase Crafts Legal Templates 

The Client is a startup that provides legal cloud-based service, based in the US. They help attorneys cut legal document assembly time by 50%. Further, the Client provides services such as court form auto-filling, conversion of Microsoft Word-based legal documents to online templates, and intelligent document automation.


The Client needed to expand their reach across the United States. As the Client was a startup, they had few in-house resources. They approached LegalEase Solutions to create legal templates to build and expand their cloud-based legal template repository for various states and practice areas. The Client required research and drafting expertise from LegalEase Solutions for their large volume of templates.


  • LegalEase Solutions delegated a team of dedicated attorneys for the project. The team trained diligently with the Client on their unique template preparation and coding.
  • One group of the LegalEase Solutions Team supported the Client’s legal research, drafting requirements and template preparation, while the other fulfilled coding.
  • Daily updates were shared with the Client along with detailed weeklies.
  • LegalEase Solutions launched the research process by creating statutory/general/court published forms.
  • The team created legal form templates that offered multiple options.


  • 65% timesaving.
  • Client’s cloud-based legal template bank expanded within 1 year.
  • A seamless, thorough project delivered on time.
  • The Client had bandwidth to focus on their tech instead of rote processes.


  • LegalEase Solutions delivered a 50 States Cause Title Project for all 50 states in the US.
  • The Client successfully expanded their business to include attorneys in New York, Texas, Florida and Illinois.
  • The LegalEase Solutions process included delivering a cloud-based legal template bank of autofill forms, and templates well ahead of time.
    • This included complaints, motions, discovery packages, jury instructions, legal letters, and various real estate, business, and employment contracts.
  • By using this service by LegalEase Solutions, the Client now assigns competitive pricing for their services.