Automaker Gets High Volume Of Answer To Complaints In 2 Days, Freeing Up Resources and Time

The client is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the United States. Founded over a century ago, the client deals with large volumes of warranty claims every single day.


Outside counsel are engaged to conduct warranty litigation cases in each of the states where the client has been sued. To compete alongside plaintiff mill firms, the automobile manufacturer sought an efficient and cost-effective process to prepare answers and discovery packages for each claim in California, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan. These states had bulk volumes of the warranty suits, which required urgent attention.


  • The LegalEase Solutions team of attorneys utilized the client’s platform to code and generate their Answer to Complaint and Discovery package
  • LegalEase has a templated Answer to Complaint process that an expert team of attorneys receive, process and deliver
  • By customizing the process according to the client’s needs, LegalEase achieved maximum efficiency for the project
  • When LegalEase receives a complaint, they prepare a draft for the Answer and Discovery package according to relevant state’s requirements
  • LegalEase submits the Answer and Discovery packages to the relevant local counsel for review and filing, within 48 hours


  • LegalEase’s Answer to Complaint is priced with a low flat fee model to ensure the project helps the Client save 65% of their time
  • Each set of Answer and Discovery can have between 4 to 9 drafts in a complaint set in a state such as California


  • The client received 450 ready-to-file answers and discovery sets in just 48 hours
  • LegalEase processed this high volume in half the time at a competitive price point