Investment Firm Successfully Complies With Laws Using Meticulous Audit and Review Services

“The Client is an investment firm with a market value of $300 billion. They are one of the Top 5 largest outsourced CIO providers, internationally. The client approached LegalEase Solutions for an audit of their Anti Money Laundering compliance policies & procedures to test its effectiveness. AML regulations require a review of the AML policies and procedures, their risk assessment, and a training program to be carried out periodically for the purpose of testing their effectiveness.”


There was a great deal of urgency to audit and review the Client’s AML Compliance policies. The audits had not happened for 5 years prior to this request, and the Client wanted their organization to be compliant as soon as possible.


LegalEase Solutions presented a 3-phased approach to the client.

First Phase
Initial Research

  • Review of the Client’s AML policy document.
  • Interactive session with the Client’s compliance officer to understand the internal processes.
  • Information request sent to the compliance team asking for sample documentation on various categories covered by the audit

Second Phase
Review & Assessment

  • Review of Client’s AML Compliance manual
  • Review of AML documentation with regards to:
    1. Client Identification and Record-Keeping
    2. Risk Management & Assessment Process
    3. Suspicious Transactions Reporting
    4. Ongoing Training Program
  • Follow up discussions as required

Third Phase
Audit Report

  • LegalEase Solutions presented a comprehensive audit report to the Client
  • This included details of the entire review process, the findings over the course of the audit, and the deficiencies noted during the process
  • LegalEase Solutions provided audit recommendations, within the timeline requested


  • Cost savings of 65%
  • Expert team of attorneys
  • Reduced time spent by 60%
  • Thorough audit review and recommendations for compliance


  • LegalEase Solutions presented a comprehensive audit letter including details of the entire process, the findings over the course of the audit, and the deficiencies noted during the process
  • The Client received recommendations for further review and compliance within 2 months – the timeline requested
  • Efficient and streamlined compliance and audit process, with periodic status updates to the Client
  • Client’s organization is now compliant with AML regulations